SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep. 91 - The Value of In-Person Events for SaaS Leaders Post-Covid – with Fred Rockwell, Founder of the Ascent Conference

Ken Lempit Season 2 Episode 41

In this episode, we talked to Fred Rockwell, owner of the upcoming Ascent Conference in New York (Oct 30) about the advantages of attending events in-person, how they’ve changed in a post-covid world, and why he structures his events to create more bottom of the funnel opportunities through private invites. 

The SaaS Backwards Podcast is also excited to be the official podcast sponsor of the Ascent Conference and will be recording episodes at the show.

Key takeaways from this episode: 

  • The importance of building connections in-person as opposed to only online.
  • The challenges of bootstrapping a business and how to be resilient 
  • How to remain relevant, even when the market changes rapidly.


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