SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep. 83 – Content is still King, but SaaS Companies still need to be Efficient-- with Steven MacDonald, CEO at SocialCloser

Season 2 Episode 33

As martech SaaS founder, Steve McDonald acknowledges the tendency to believe that their product is so exceptional that customers will naturally flock to it.

But then reality sets in and you realize that maybe Shoeless Joe Jackson wasn’t whispering in your ear after all.

There’s a lot of risk for customers to invest in something new, and content marketing is the obvious way to build trust. But with the volume of noise out there today, your development process must be strategic, methodical, and efficient.

In this episode, Ken and Steve geek out on the role that content plays for today’s SaaS and how thought leadership actually works to spark conversations with prospective customers.

Key takeaways:

  • Why podcasting is still an effective way to create thought leadership content efficiently and effectively.  
  • Marketers should consider creating themed podcast series that focus on specific topics or industry challenges.
  • Why it's important to invest in thought leadership that delivers customer insights early on to establish the company as an expert to spark conversations with prospects. 

Other resources to check out:

Interview with Vinay Bhagat, Founder and CEO of TrustRadius who publish a yearly report about how B2B buyer behavior is changing.

The Lead Gen Mistake I Guarantee You’re Making – how to create content that better identifies intent from today’s b2b buyer.

And, if you want an outside look at your content with actionable advice, take advantage of our Content Audit. Valued at $20K in free consulting.


Thanks for listening to the SaaS Backwards Podcast, brought to you by Austin Lawrence Group. We help SaaS firms reduce churn, accelerate sales, and generate demand. Learn more at


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