SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep 43 - Cake Equity Cofounder Jason Atkins talks about forming a SaaS to make equity easier to handle.

Ken Lempit Season 1 Episode 43

Working as a CFO for tech companies in Australia, Jason Atkins saw a need to automate the very manual and frustrating process involved in equity raises–compounded by a global workforce. 

While doing volunteer work in the Gold Coast tech scene, he met his soon-to-be cofounder Kim Hanson and together established a SaaS called Cake Equity with a goal to make equity easier to handle for all stakeholders.

Together, they established a beachhead market in Australia by niching down into startups where the competition was scarce, but knew they had to identify larger markets to grow. 

Given the willingness to use software and technology, combined with a spirit of innovation, expanding in the US was an obvious choice.

We caught up with Atkins on his whirlwind US tour to talk about:

  • The current fundraising environment
  • Establishing a beachhead in Australia and thinking global-first
  • Leveraging off of the success of Australian-based Atlassian and Canva. 
  • How starting a services firm helped in the establishment of a SaaS
  • And their overall sales journey – starting with founder-led, followed by marketing and sales-led and landing on product-led growth


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